Channels for Android & Android TV
Release Notes
Version 4.9.0 (February 19th, 2025)
new | Full support for the new Google TV Streamer |
improved | ATSC3 audio compatability in certain regions |
improved | Decreased size of Remote Streaming cache |
improved | Stream link compatibility with Peacock |
improved | Stream link support for 'intent:// |
improved | Support AV1 hardware decoding where available |
fixed | Seeking improvements for broadcast recordings in some scenarios |
Version 4.8.0 (September 18th, 2024)
new | Picture in Picture Availability setting can be used to dismiss PIP automatically when leaving the Guide or leaving the app |
new | Sidebar navigation supports updated Server Side Setting allowing custom ordering of items |
new | TV Shows now have their own Commercial Skipping setting |
new | TV Shows and Video Groups now have their own Auto Play setting |
new | TV Shows and Video Groups can be set to automatically show Closed Captions |
new | Video Groups are now eligible for Up Next |
new | Recently watched channels are now available as a native collection in Guide and On Now |
new | Double-click center button in the player to jump to last channel |
fixed | Guide data could fail to load in some cases |
fixed | Refreshing guide data is now more reliable |
fixed | Scroll position was not being retained in the guide when switching sidebar items |
fixed | The Home tab should once again be able to be mapped to remote buttons |
fixed | Rare crash when changing Show settings |
fixed | Rare video playback issues |
fixed | Video playback issue in last build |
fixed | Watch Order setting was not working on Video groups |
fixed | Adjust Recording Options was creating duplicate recording jobs |
fixed | Recently Updated in TV Shows view should now sort correctly |
Version 4.7.1 (July 12th, 2024)
fixed | Video playback issues on some devices |
fixed | Crashes in some rare scenarios |
Version 4.7.0 (July 10th, 2024)
new | The Library section has been renamed to Home and moved to top of the sidebar navigation |
new | Search page has been redesigned and now allows filtering by content type and includes episode results |
new | Recordings view has been rewritten and now is a multi-pane view on larger screens or in landscape view |
new | Shuffle playback option for TV shows |
new | Support for streaming YouTube trailers via URL |
new | Supports individual closed caption setting on TV Shows |
new | Test Surround Sound option under Support |
new | Experimental support for AV1 playback |
improved | Hardware decoding of VP9 videos on supported devices |
improved | Error messages when a recording is not found or corrupted |
improved | Channel tuning time for DVB broadcasts |
improved | Tuning speed on some DVB-S streams with missing subtitles/teletext |
improved | Remote streaming improvements |
improved | Channels is now more reliable on low-memory devices |
fixed | Library Collection sort order was not being correctly used |
fixed | Some rows in the Kids Section were not sorted correctly |
fixed | Some sections were not loading correctly via the Channels API |
fixed | Rare Guide crashes were happening when transitioning between playing content and navigating to the guide |
fixed | Rare crashes while watching Live TV and displaying the guide |
Version 4.6.6 (January 29th, 2024)
new | Provide a list of up to 3 of the most recently connected servers when selecting At Home to connect to a DVR |
new | Add the timeout parameter for /api/notify to match iOS/tvOS |
improved | ATSC3 tuning speed |
improved | Error messages when connecting to older HDHomeRun units |
improved | Error messages when streaming remotely now have more detail beyond "Transcoder Reset", now including HDHR errors like "Tuner Unreachable", "All Tuners In Use" and M3U errors like "Stream Limit Reached" |
improved | Error messages when playing Live TV at home will have more informative messages |
improved | Channels that are not in a subscription but aren't properly handled by the HDHR will now be reported as "Not Subscribed" |
improved | Allow for pressing play when an error is displayed to restart the stream |
improved | Error messages when a recording is not found or corrupted |
updated | Remove unused Diagnostic reason pop-up |
updated | Reduce the HLS cache for recordings to only keep cached segments for 3 days instead of 10 |
updated | Move the HLS cache for recordings from the persistent data directory back to the cache directory to make it easier to delete via system menus |
fixed | Crash that could happen when viewing the guide |
fixed | Long delay that could happen when finishing watching Live TV when Original Quality Delivery is set to Stream |
fixed | The player could stop abruptly in the middle of a recording when streaming via HLS |
fixed | Unusual situation when using HLS with low disk space that could cause video to prematurely stop |
fixed | Don't display error after playback failure on Virtual Channels |
fixed | Seeking forward when using HLS with limited available disk space could cause playback of a recording to be prematurely ended |
Version 4.6.4 (September 11th, 2023)
improved | Image caching |
improved | Internal diagnostics |
fixed | Unusual crashes |
Version 4.6.3 (June 16th, 2023)
new | Support for stream links from the Guide via Custom Channels |
new | Better support for WMV files |
new | TV Show images with mismatched aspect ratios are now displayed better |
new | Support custom crop set for images on the dvr web UI |
improved | Error messages when Live TV connection is closed |
improved | Episodes without art will use the show art |
improved | Stream links will now show thumbnails if available from TMDB |
improved | Movies, TV Shows, and Collections without art now have a titled placeholder instead of the logo placeholder |
improved | Performance improvement for remote streaming |
fixed | On Later was not showing movie titles correctly |
fixed | Remote playback of trailers and subtitles |
fixed | Trash all Items option was appearing on phones even with server side setting to disallow deletion |
Version 4.6.2 (April 10th, 2023)
new | Optionally force video delivery to use Streaming (HLS) or Direct (default) when using original quality |
new | Support section in Settings now displays remote streaming cache size and a way to clear it |
new | Scheduled job to clean up old cached recordings daily |
improved | Caching for HLS (Remote) streaming to match iOS/tvOS implementation |
improved | Buffering when tuning into live channel |
improved | More metadata tags show for content (HD, 4K, Atmos, DTS, etc) |
improved | Software decoding option on Stream+ |
fixed | Seeking could cause playback to restart with certain recordings when Home Streaming is enabled |
fixed | Playback state could get reset to unwatched at the end of a recording |
fixed | Playing VC1 video with hardware decoder selected could show a blank screen |
fixed | Server-side setting for Virtual Channels > Tuning In was not being set |
Version 4.6.1 (January 16th, 2023)
fixed | Streaming errors while away from home |
fixed | Errors playing some TVE channels like HSN |
Version 4.6.0 (January 13th, 2023)
improved | Better error messages when remote streaming errors occur |
improved | Support for Windows 11 Subsystem for Android |
fixed | Closed captions were not working with some mp4 files |
fixed | Remote Shortcut for Live TV could crash the app |
Version 4.5.1 (November 15th, 2022)
new | Support for the custom editable sort title for Movies and TV Shows |
new | Support for the custom sorting options for Video Groups |
improved | Context menu options in the Library allow easier access to upcoming airings, adding shows to collections, and more |
improved | Support for named hosts when adding a local Channels DVR Server |
fixed | Remote streaming seek issues |
fixed | Badges are now updating properly on the Library episodes view |
Version 4.5.0 (October 20th, 2022)
new | On Later is now available on Android |
new | Progress bars appear on On Now, Guide and Quick Guide |
new | View and edit Device Name under Settings > General |
new | Current time notch on the Guide |
new | Support for automatic keyword filters in Channel Collections |
fixed | Currently airing items on the Guide were misaligned when starting after the half hour |
fixed | Virtual channels were showing incorrect timing for "In X minutes" on the timline and quick guide |
fixed | Timeline was not showing padding for recordings still in-progress |
fixed | Some crashes in the player |
Version 4.4.1 (September 28th, 2022)
new | Select future virtual channel program to watch from that point forward |
new | Settings > Playback > Seek Options lets you control whether the timeline appears during quick seeks |
new | Support for Playback Speed in Show options |
new | Support for allow/block labels via server-side settings |
improved | Bonjour discovery now uses native Android APIs |
improved | No timeline appears on screen when switching to the next program on a virtual channel |
improved | Use the play button on your remote to play a future virtual airing on the guide directly |
improved | Better diagnostic logging when a player error is displayed |
fixed | Placeholder guide data was missing record option |
fixed | Crash when playing virtual channel |
fixed | Start from Beginning button could appear incorrectly on virtual channels after switching to a new program with commercial markers |
fixed | Advanced video decoder setting was not appearing on FireOS 5 devices |
fixed | Trash all Items option was not working from Library |
Version 4.4.0 (September 19th, 2022)
new | Server-side setting to make clients match DVR's source priority |
new | New options to define what happens when you tune into a Virtual Channel: Start Live, Start From Beginning, Ask, or the new inline Start From Beginning button |
new | New resume option for resuming recordings: In Player Button - This will auto resume your recording, with a button showing offering you the ability to start from the beginning |
improved | The Quick Guide will match the currently playing program when the channel has been timeshifted |
improved | Video player was not fitting screen correctly on mobile devices with a cut-out |
improved | Error display when Live TV stream fils |
improved | Pressing play after a Live TV error will now restart playback |
improved | Notifications when network errors are detected |
improved | Expose Keep Forever and Mark as Favorite options for episodes |
improved | Caching and playback behavior when streaming away from home |
improved | WMV/WMA audio/video codecs |
improved | Support for vudu stream links |
fixed | Guide data for older programs would disappear when time-shifting for a couple of hours |
fixed | Hitting the Play button on an Up Next item starts playing |
fixed | MPAA and TV ratings were hard to read |
fixed | Imported .strm was not playing back |
fixed | Timeline text would be overlapped when image was missing |
fixed | Clicking back in Resume/Start from Beginning dialog was not working |
fixed | Virtual channel would skip ahead when moving to next program |
fixed | Rotated videos were not playing back correctly with Hardware decoder |
fixed | Watching a movie would show Watch Next button at the end on phone/tablet |
fixed | Some videos would fail to play with Hardware decoder (player will switch to software automatically) |
Version 4.3.2 (August 9th, 2022)
fixed | Content ratings were not appearing correctly |
fixed | Video player stats was not showing tuner signal levels |
Version 4.3.1 (August 4th, 2022)
new | View MPAA and TV ratings, and browse movies by rating in Enhanced Libary mode |
improved | Remote streaming reliability |
improved | Add support for Opus audio |
improved | Timeline more accurately represents available playback when using HLS |
fixed | Issue with Library Collection contents not being sorted correctly |
fixed | Seeking multiple times when watching remotely would sometimes jump backward |
fixed | Crash that could happen after watching TV for an extended period of time due to memory exhaustion |
Version 4.3.0 (March 22nd, 2022)
new | Support for Library Collections on your DVR |
new | Support for Videos imported on your DVR |
new | Support for Automatic Channels on your Channel Collections |
new | Support for custom artwork uploaded into the DVR |
fixed | Non-standard aspect ratio images were not appearing correctly |
fixed | App could show stale recordings data after waking device from sleep |
fixed | Playback could stall at the end of some recordings breaking features like Auto Play and Virtual Channels |
Version 4.2.1 (February 17th, 2022)
fixed | Live TV could stall on FireOS 5 devices when free space was low |
fixed | Scrolling up quickly in the On Now grid was not working reliably |
fixed | Visual glitch on the On Now tab with the filter |
fixed | Images were not appearing correctly in the player Quick Guide |
fixed | Recordings tab had confusing last label on recent weekdays |
fixed | Guide data was not loading for non-DVR users on some FireOS 5 devices |
fixed | Back button was not working reliably in the Guide |
fixed | Guide data from some XMLTV sources would incorrectly show today's date on every program |
Version 4.2.0 (February 8th, 2022)
fixed | Visual layout glitch when browsing TV shows |
fixed | Video player would sometimes only play sound |
fixed | Player stall when switching to commercials on some cable feeds with Surround Sound enabled |
fixed | Timeline would not reflect full duration of in-progress recordings |
fixed | OTA mpeg2 channels were not playing on phones/tablets with default settings. Player will now automatically switch to Software decoder |
fixed | Crashes on some Android 12 devices |
improved | Diagnostics for crashes and player issues |
Version 4.1.3 (January 19th, 2022)
improved | Crash diagnostics |
fixed | Timeline would not appear on some devices |
fixed | Crashes on FireOS 5 |
Version 4.1.2 (January 18th, 2022)
fixed | Crashes on Android 12 devices |
Version 4.1.1 (January 17th, 2022)
fixed | Visual glitch on the Guide when program image was missing |
fixed | Crash when watching remotely |
fixed | Crashes on older FireOS devices |
Version 4.1.0 (January 12th, 2022)
new | Playback Speed options in the video player |
new | Clock on the guide |
new | Add Watch From Library prompt and setting |
improved | Support for Vorbis and FLAC audio |
improved | ATSC3 playback |
fixed | Remote access issues on Android 5.1 devices |
fixed | Captions could become distorted after PIP |
fixed | Channel surfing not working with virtual channels |
fixed | Recordings view not working on mobile |
Version 4.0.1 (September 21st, 2021)
fixed | Crash when deleting all episodes of a show |
fixed | Seeking was not working when streaming away from home |
fixed | Favorites and hidden import/export was not working when away from home |
fixed | Back button was not working reliably on Guide tab |
improved | Crash reporting |
improved | Advanced setting to repopulate kids section |
Version 4.0.0 (September 15th, 2021)
new | Enhanced Library Browsing helps browsing larger libraries |
new | Redesigned Show section lets you browse episodes by season |
new | Kids Section |
new | Kids Only mode |
new | Mark shows and movies as favorites |
new | Remote Shortcut for toggling closed captions |
improved | TV Show options are available to adjust within the app |
improved | Use the back button to get back to current time in Guide |
improved | Adaptive bitrate improvements for better remote streaming with high packet loss |
improved | Additional HLS stats on player stats view |
fixed | Some video content was failing to play with hardware decoding |
Version 3.5.2 (July 12, 2021)
fixed | Page up/down on the guide was losing focus |
fixed | Live TV rewind buffer was smaller than expected |
fixed | Various issues in the live TV video player |
fixed | Rare crashes |
Version 3.5.1 (June 11, 2021)
fixed | Playback was not working with some legacy HDHR models |
fixed | Memory usage and disk usage issues causing instability |
fixed | Occasional crashes when coming back to the video player |
Version 3.5.0 (May 27, 2021)
new | Signal notifications will alert you when your antenna signal or network is affecting video playback |
new | Kiosk Mode can be activated via DVR server's Client Settings |
new | Start Up settings let you customize what section or channel appears when the app is launched |
new | Auto Play next episodes |
new | Shuffle playback to play random episodes in a row for your show |
new | STATS FOR NERDS! View details of your video files and video playback on Android TV |
new | Play To support on Android phones and tablets lets you cast a channel or recording to Channels app on your TV |
new | Sleep Timer is available via the in-player options |
improved | Faster boot up of the app |
improved | Better performance on On Now and Library views |
improved | Rearrange favorites more quickly |
improved | Recordings with interruptions are marked in the library |
fixed | Recordings tab would sometimes not update after deleting a recording |
fixed | Movies and TV Shows views were not updating automatically |
fixed | Closed captions were garbled on some stations |
fixed | Search tab was not working on newer FireTV devices |
Version 3.2.0 (April 27, 2021)
fixed | Navigation on guide was not working reliably |
fixed | TV Shows tab would not always refresh automatically |
fixed | Recordings tab was not showing dates correctly |
fixed | Audio sync was off with Surround Sound enabled |
Version 3.1.4 (March 29, 2021)
improved | Use DVR server setting for Library Visibility to control which shows are for kids |
fixed | Guide would highlight yellow/red incorrectly in some cases |
fixed | Channel Number sort in the guide |
fixed | Focus issues in the Library |
fixed | Some shows recorded via XMLTV sources would disappear after episode delete |
Version 3.1.3 (March 20, 2021)
improved | Caching of guide and station images in case of internet outage |
fixed | Elevated crash rates |
Version 3.1.2 (March 17, 2021)
fixed | Some views would not automatically refresh to show new content |
fixed | Power button on the TiVo Stream 4K remote could cause video player to start |
fixed | Live button on remotes was not reliably switching back to last channel |
fixed | Playback issues with ATSC3 recordings |
Version 3.1.1 (February 23, 2021)
new | Stack Duplicates setting under Manage Sources lets you control how duplicates appear in the guide |
improved | Reduced buffering stalls when streaming live TV |
improved | Guide would not reflect proper scheduled/recording state in some cases |
improved | Failed recordings show on the Schedule for a few days |
Version 3.1.0 (February 2, 2021)
new | Keyboard shortcut 'p' will toggle PIP on Android TV |
new | Pick the currently playing channel on Guide or On Now again to fullscreen PIP window |
new | Use Remote Shortcut keys to toggle PIP |
improved | App performance and crash reporting |
improved | Better support for ATSC3 broadcasts and closed captions |
fixed | Movies view on mobile was not rendering correctly |
fixed | Channel surfing not working as expected after a Quick Guide channel change |
fixed | Playback issues with some imported mp4 files |
Version 3.0.3 (December 1, 2020)
improved | Better support for ATSC3 broadcasts |
Version 3.0.2 (September 25, 2020)
fixed | Streaming from local HDHR when connected to remote DVR |
fixed | Guide data was not loading on some older devices |
Version 3.0.1 (September 11, 2020)
fixed | Crash when trying to connect Away from Home |
fixed | Library would not refresh when shows are deleted |
fixed | Rare crashes |
Version 3.0.0 (September 1, 2020)
new | New customizable main navigation sidebar |
new | More optional sections for the main navigation |
new | View recordings as a list in the order they were recorded |
new | Option to Resume or Start from Beginning when resuming recording playback |
new | Refreshed welcome screen on initial app launch |
new | Manage the Trash right from Channels |
new | Allow Deletion setting can be used to hide trash buttons in the app |
new | Remote Shortcut settings let you map colored keys on your remote to sections of the app |
new | Channel Surfing setting can be customized to control channel up/down behavior |
new | Channels API for programmatic navigation |
new | Customized seek times for watching movies |
new | Airing Order setting can be customized to change episode display order |
new | TV Shows can be marked as favorite |
improved | Ability to sort movies by Top Rated |
improved | TV Showâs episodes are now listed grouped by season number |
improved | Search tab will now search recorded movies and shows |
improved | Search tab offers TV and movie suggestions |
improved | Alphabetical sort will now ignore A/The prefixes and lowercase/uppercase |
Version 2.1.27 (August 26, 2020)
fixed | Streaming from emulated HDHRs |
fixed | Crash in some cases when channel surfing |
fixed | Some imported movies would not play |
Version 2.1.26 (August 17, 2020)
new | Expanded guide data for non-DVR users |
new | Favorites and hidden channels can be configured separately per TV |
improved | Toggle mute and captions via Channels API or keyboard shortcuts |
improved | In-progress indicators shown on recordings |
fixed | Movies and shows with prefixed articles would not sort alphabetically correctly |
fixed | Channel surfing would not work reliably when multiple tuners were present |
fixed | Hidden channels were not ignored when tuning by channel number |
fixed | Some imported movies would not display closed captions |
Version 2.1.25 (June 4, 2020)
fixed | Crashes on some devices |
Version 2.1.24 (June 3, 2020)
new | PIN Auth flow for Android TV for connecting remotely |
new | Support for pause/resume/rewind voice commands with Alexa on FireTV devices |
new | Commercial Skip button is shown in the video player |
improved | Detect metered wifi hotspots and use Cellular streaming settings |
fixed | Some TVE channels could stop playing when switching to commercial |
fixed | Audio sync issues when using FireTV with wireless echo speakers |
fixed | Crashes and other reliability issues on the Nvidia SHIELD tube model |
fixed | Timeline and other views in the video player would not appear on the TiVo Stream 4K and the AirTV Player |
fixed | Excessive disk usage for caching when streaming remotely |
Version 2.1.23 (April 17, 2020)
fixed | Crash in the video player in some regions |
Version 2.1.22 (April 16, 2020)
new | Support for Android devices using Intel CPUs |
improved | Diagnostic submissions |
improved | Support for quirks in Android devices |
fixed | Crashes when playing video with transport errors |
Version 2.1.21 (April 2, 2020)
improved | Add software decoding option on Sony TV. |
fixed | Some devices could pause randomly for a split-second during live TV playback. |
fixed | Some imported movies would not play with any sound. |
Version 2.1.20 (January 6, 2020)
fixed | [DVR] Some channels were not properly merged in guide view |
Version 2.1.19 (January 5, 2020)
improved | Additional keys on remotes are handled |
improved | Better handling of remote viewing streams on slower connections |
fixed | Crashes when playing video with errors |
fixed | Streaming cache respects available disk space |
Version 2.1.18 (November 22, 2019)
improved | DRM channels from PRIME are hidden from guide. |
fixed | Crash on boot when using some older HDHR models. |
fixed | Stuttering during playback of some OTA feeds. |
fixed | [DVR] Away from Home would not appear on small phone screens. |
fixed | [DVR] Single recordings were not using default padding options. |
Version 2.1.17 (November 6, 2019)
fixed | Crash during startup on 32-bit devices. |
Version 2.1.16 (November 5, 2019)
new | Support for the new FireTV Cube 2. |
improved | Sort option for movies and shows are remembered separately. |
fixed | Rare crash when starting the app on some devices. |
Version 2.1.15 (October 29, 2019)
new | [DVR] Release Date added as a sort option for movies and shows. |
new | Added the ability to turn off analytics. |
fixed | Deleted recording would sometimes still appear in the app. |
fixed | Video was not playing on some Motorola phones. |
Version 2.1.14 (October 10, 2019)
fixed | MPEG2 channels were not playing on some devices. |
Version 2.1.13 (October 9, 2019)
fixed | Some UK recordings could freeze during playback on the FireTV Stick 4K |
Version 2.1.12 (October 2, 2019)
fixed | Crashes on FireTV when playing some standard-def channels with Software Decoder. |
fixed | App could crash during boot on some devices. |
Version 2.1.11 (September 29, 2019)
new | [DVR] Adaptive streaming adjusts quality based on internet speeds |
new | Lineup Order setting to sort guide by Channel Name. |
new | Stretch to Fit setting to control aspect ratio for 4x3 SD channels. |
improved | Updated video player libraries for latest bug fixes and performance improvements. |
fixed | Timeline would not move when seeking around live TV buffer. |
fixed | App could use a lot of disk space when watching recordings remotely. |
fixed | DVR schedule would sometimes not show full episode name or season/episode number. |
fixed | In-player guide would fail to update while watching live TV for a long time. |
fixed | Stuttering playback of mpeg2 channels on Nexus 9 devices. |
fixed | TVE sources would incorrectly show a Scan Channels button. |
fixed | Some TVE channels could freeze during playback. |
Version 2.1.10 (July 29, 2019)
fixed | Some channels would tune very slowly in Australia. |
fixed | Channels API would fail to switch channels if already playing video. |
fixed | Guide could glitch while scrolling up quickly. |
fixed | [DVR] Default pass settings were not imported from the DVR server. |
fixed | [DVR] Some recordings would fail to play remotely. |
Version 2.1.8 (June 29, 2019)
new | Stable HDHomeRun firmware. |
Version 2.1.7 (June 19, 2019)
new | Automatic commercial skipping |
Version 2.1.6 (June 18, 2019)
fixed | [DVR] Favorited channels could get lost when restarting the app. |
fixed | [DVR] Player could stop randomly when using Tuner Sharing. |
fixed | Various bugs and crashes. |
Version 2.1.5 (April 23, 2019)
improved | [DVR] Improved remote playback on slow/laggy WiFi networks |
improved | [DVR] Increased buffering for remote playback |
improved | Added latest HDHomeRun firmware updates |
Version 2.1.4 (March 1, 2019)
fixed | Rare crashes in the video player. |
fixed | Some crashes using legacy HDHR models. |
Version 2.1.3 (February 19, 2019)
improved | TalkBack support. |
fixed | DVR Recent list would not refresh automatically sometimes when returning to the app. |
fixed | Some crashes using HDHRs with outdated firmware versions. |
Version 2.1.2 (January 25, 2019)
new | Customize the channels shown in the in-player Quick Guide |
improved | Normalize volume levels when Surround Sound is off. |
improved | Player setting to switch to 50hz display mode on Fire Stick 4K. |
fixed | [DVR] Recent/Alphabetical sort option was not remembered when viewing all recorded shows. |
Version 2.1.1 (November 20, 2018)
fixed | Various crashes and bugs. |
Version 2.1 (November 6, 2018)
new | Support for Android phones and tablets. |
fixed | Player could randomly restart live tv stream when using legacy HDHR models. |
fixed | Various crashes. |
Version 2.0.12 (October 8, 2018)
improved | Larger buffer for Premium TV streams to avoid stalling. |
improved | [DVR] Run a speed test to your DVR server to troubleshoot network issues. |
fixed | [DVR] Connect to Channels DVR was not working on older FireTV devices. |
fixed | Various crashes. |
Version 2.0.11 (October 5, 2018)
new | Channels API endpoints to toggle pause and jump back to last channel. |
improved | [SHIELD] Added Software decoder option to Player settings for better video quality in some DVB markets. |
improved | [DVR] Connect to Channels DVR manually via IP if auto-discovery is not working. |
improved | [DVR] Show storage usage stats on the DVR settings tab. |
fixed | [DVR] App needed to be restarted if the DVR server's IP address changed. |
fixed | [DVR] Keep settings on Series Passes would show "All Recordings" twice. |
fixed | Manual HDHR discovery would not work on some home networks. |
fixed | 5.1 PCM audio output was not working in the UK. |
fixed | Several rare crashes in the video player. |
Version 2.0.10 (September 28, 2018)
new | Player setting to automatically switch to 50hz display mode on SHIELD in DVB regions. |
new | Jump to a channel on the Guide tab by entering its channel number on your remote numpad. |
improved | Double-click to jump to last channel or skip past commercials is more reliable. |
fixed | Oreo devices would fail to find DVR server quickly. |
fixed | Guide was not keeping fixed time position when moving up and down. |
fixed | Some UI elements were zoomed in on Philips 720p Android TV models. |
fixed | App would not automatically reconnect to remote DVR after restart. |
fixed | Remote DVR login was not working on some FireTV devices. |
fixed | Teletext menus were appearing on some Finish stations when captions were enabled. |
fixed | Unknown ClearQAM channels would not appear in the Guide. |
fixed | Rare crash on 32-bit ARM devices. |
Version 2.0.9 (September 12, 2018)
fixed | Guide tab could sometimes be empty when returning to the app. |
fixed | Player could freeze on some devices when the antenna signal was weak. |
fixed | Audio playback over Bluetooth could be choppy. |
fixed | Nexus Player Deinterlacer was not working correctly on HD broadcasts. |
fixed | [DVR] Some Premium TV recordings would playback with audio only. |
fixed | [DVR] Oreo home screen row for Up Next could show wrong season/episode numbers. |
fixed | Various rare crashes. |
Version 2.0.8 (August 31, 2018)
new | Support for HDHomeRun Premium TV. |
new | Upgrade your HDHomeRun firmware from the app. |
improved | Better UI performance on slower devices. |
fixed | Player could briefly use two tuners when switching channels. |
fixed | [DVR] Search was not working on some devices. |
fixed | [DVR] Playback could fail with Tuner Sharing enabled if DVR server was offline. |
fixed | Oreo home screen rows could stop updating after reboot or app upgrade. |
fixed | Some rare crashes. |
Version 2.0.7 (August 15, 2018)
fixed | Guide data could fail to refresh when returning to the app. |
fixed | Some stations could stutter or play in slow-motion when Surround Sound was enabled. |
fixed | Surround Sound passthrough could stop after commercial transitions on some stations. |
fixed | Rare crash when using beta HDHR firmware. |
Version 2.0.6 (August 13, 2018)
fixed | Timeline would not auto-hide after rw/ff. |
fixed | App could crash while rw/ff on some DVB stations. |
fixed | Crash when viewing details for some recorded episodes. |
fixed | Surround Sound was not working on some stations. |
Version 2.0.5 (August 1, 2018)
improved | Descriptive Video tracks are marked in the Language picker. |
fixed | Live TV would not rewind/fast-forward when DVR Tuner Sharing was enabled. |
fixed | Audio could stutter during playback. |
fixed | Guide programs were not aligned correctly on older devices. |
fixed | DVR Search tab would steal focus when selected. |
fixed | Video player could randomly flash green for certain DVB H264 broadcasts. |
fixed | Some views did not appear correctly on Philips Android TVs. |
fixed | Surround Sound was not working on FireTV 2nd generation. |
Version 2.0.4 (July 26, 2018)
fixed | Double click to skip commercial would not work on some remotes. |
fixed | Playback issues when Surround Sound was enabled. |
Version 2.0.3 (July 24, 2018)
new | Support for closed captions. |
new | Caption styles can be customized via Android TV Accessibility settings. |
Version 2.0.2 (July 16, 2018)
improved | Video player performance on Fire TV. |
fixed | Infrequent buffering issues when Surround Sound was enabled. |
Version 2.0.1 (July 11, 2018)
improved | Video player performance on Oreo. |
improved | Reduced memory usage. |
fixed | Home screen channels on Oreo were not working reliably. |
fixed | Support for newer Fire OS television sets. |
Version 2.0.0 (June 26, 2018)
new | Full support for Channels DVR |
new | Support for FireTV Cube. |
new | [DVR] Search for shows and create Series/Team passes |
new | [DVR] Schedule recordings directly from the guide |
new | [DVR] Find recorded movies and shows via global voice search on Android TV. |
new | Support for home screen Channels on Android Oreo. |
fixed | Audio could lose sync after pause/resume on SHIELD with Surround Sound enabled. |
fixed | Music Choice channels would take several seconds to start playing. |
fixed | Some rare crashes. |
Version 1.0.23 (May 7, 2018)
new | DVR Tuner Sharing lets multiple clients watching the same channel share a single tuner. |
new | Home Streaming Quality setting allows DVR to transcode live TV and recordings. |
improved | Surround Sound support on Gen2 FireTV and FireTV Stick. |
fixed | Some channels could randomly fail to play. |
Version 1.0.22 (May 5, 2018)
fixed | Player could fail to play some channels. |
Version 1.0.21 (May 3, 2018)
improved | Faster tuning of live streams. |
fixed | Music Choice channels would keep buffering during playback. |
Version 1.0.20 (May 2, 2018)
improved | Smoother playback of live TV. |
fixed | Stuttering issues on some devices. |
fixed | Crashes when starting playback on some devices. |
fixed | Back button would sometimes not work in the player. |
fixed | Some episodes could have overlapping text in the Schedule. |
Version 1.0.19 (April 16, 2018)
new | Support for DVB subtitles. |
improved | Double-click Play/Pause button on supported remotes to jump back to last channel. |
fixed | Music Choice cable channels would keep pausing during playback. |
fixed | Some devices like MiBox3 would drop frames with Surround Sound enabled. |
fixed | Some recordings could fail to seek correctly. |
fixed | Rare crash during playback. |
Version 1.0.18 (April 13, 2018)
fixed | Add Tuner Manually dialog would sometimes not allow entering IP address. |
Version 1.0.17 (April 9, 2018)
improved | Video playback could stall or stutter with Surround Sound enabled on some channels. |
improved | Deinterlacing on the Nexus Player. |
Version 1.0.16 (April 6, 2018)
improved | Video could stall during playback on some devices. |
Version 1.0.15 (April 3, 2018)
new | Support for Dolby Digital passthrough on older Android devices. To enable it, turn on Surround Sound in the Player Settings. |
Version 1.0.14 (April 2, 2018)
improved | Audio/video sync. |
improved | Support for bluetooth speakers. |
Version 1.0.13 (March 27, 2018)
improved | Support for bluetooth speakers. |
improved | Normalized volume to match other apps when Surround Sound is off. |
fixed | In rare cases, video could start pixelating during playback. |
Version 1.0.12 (March 21, 2018)
improved | Faster tuning on some DVB UK channels. |
improved | Show progress bars on partially watched Up Next shows. |
Version 1.0.11 (March 20, 2018)
fixed | Back button would leave the player after a playback error |
Version 1.0.10 (March 19, 2018)
fixed | Video player could crash or hang on some UK H264 channels. |
Version 1.0.9 (March 18, 2018)
fixed | Some rare bugs. |
Version 1.0.8 (March 17, 2018)
fixed | Crash while watching HD UK channels on FireTV. |
Version 1.0.7 (March 16, 2018)
new | Guide tab shows 21 days of data for DVR users. |
improved | Guide and On Now tabs highlight scheduled and recording programs. |
improved | Audio/video sync on FireTV. |
fixed | Player could try to use a disabled channel for playback. |
fixed | Time is displayed correct in 24-hour mode. |
fixed | Some rare bugs and crashes. |
Version 1.0.6 (March 8, 2018)
fixed | Playback could sometimes stall when Surround Sound was enabled. |
fixed | DPAD could not be used to move from the Guide tab to the navigation menu. |
Version 1.0.5 (March 7, 2018)
new | HTTP API to control Channels and integrate with home automation. Learn more at |
new | Use Channels for iOS to play to your Android TV. |
improved | Player menu will display episode details when watching a recording. |
improved | Much faster tuning of DVB channels in the UK. |
Version 1.0.4 (March 6, 2018)
new | Surround Sound setting enables passthrough on the NVidia SHIELD. |
new | Browse and watch your Channels DVR recordings. |
fixed | Crashes when connecting to HDHR with older firmware. |
Version 1.0.3 (February 15, 2018)
improved | Tuning time is now twice as fast. |
fixed | Guide tab would sometimes fail to refresh after turning TV back on. |
fixed | Player could sometimes start buffering during playback. |
fixed | Some rare crashes. |
Version 1.0.2 (February 12, 2018)
new | Initial support for legacy HDHomeRuns. |
fixed | Some rare crashes. |
Version 1.0.1 (February 9, 2018)
improved | DVB channels in the UK tune much faster. |
fixed | Timeline could sometimes stay visible after changing channels. |
fixed | Rare crash when tuning into H264 channels on the FireTV. |
fixed | Video could stall during playback of interlaced H264 channels on the SHIELD. |
fixed | App could stop responding after leaving the video player. |
Version 1.0.0 (February 6, 2018)
new | The app! |
More about Channels
Channels is the best way to watch and record all of your favorite shows. Watching live TV with a familiar guide, record your favorite shows, and stream everything while away from home.